

Clubs Advisor Meetings
Animal Appreciation Mrs. Starrett Tuesdays, twice a month (1104)
Anime and Cosplay Mrs. Vargas Wednesdays, 12:45 (1201)
Art and Design Club Mrs. Stockton Tuesdays, 12:40 (301)
Asian Club Mr. Biron Every other week, (805)
Board Game Club Mrs. Henry Lunch (Library)
Book of the Month Mr. Mawson Wednesdays, Lunch, (804)
BSU/Project Best Mrs. Latunde + Mr. Daniels Every other Friday, Lunch, (604)
Campus Life Mr. Stuebbe Every Thursday @ Lunch (1402)
Challenge of the Week (COW) Mrs. Castro Friday's, Lunch (ASB patio)
Choir Club Mr. Burzlaff First Tues. of month, Lunch (328)
Club 340 (Band, Colorguard & Orchestra) Mr. Ouska
Every other Wednesday, Lunch 12:55 (340)
Connect 4 Cancer Mrs. Orr Lunch or after school, advisors room
Drama Club Mrs. Hammons 1st Tues. of month, Lunch (PAC)
Dream Catchers Ms. Brown Once a month, Lunch, (903)
Engineering Club Mr. Smith 8am (1701)
Entrepreneurship Club Mr. Stuebbe
Twice a month on Thurs., Lunch, (1402)
Esports Mrs. Danley
Tues.+Wed. 3:23-5:00, (Library/Comp. Lab)
Fashion Club Mrs. Vargas
Once/twice a month, Lunch (Yearbook room)
Fellowship of Christian Athletes    
Fishing Club Mr. Ransick Wednesday, Lunch, (1105)
Golden Chords Mrs. Fierro Once a month (704)
Got the Dot Ms. Johnson Every month
Green Beings Mrs. Orr 2nd Thursday's of month, Lunch (701)
GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) Mrs. Henry Thursdays, Lunch (Library)
Guitar Club Mr. Roux Twice a month, (904)
Habitat for Humantity Mr. Peasha Monthly
Inspired Creative Writing Club Mrs. Kimmel Room 707
Interact Mr. Devera
Every other Monday, after school (PAC)
International Thespian Society Mrs. Hammons 1st Tues. of month, Lunch (PAC)
Jakara Sikh Honors and Service Society Mr. Roux Every other Wednesday, Lunch, (904)
Life in a Bag Mrs. Ferralli Once a month,
Mock Trial Ms. Brown every 6th period, (903)
Multicultural Club Ms. Sifuentes + Ms. Martinez Bi-weekly, Lunch, (1302/1303)
National Alliance on Mental Illnessess (NAMI) Ms. Brown 1-2 times a month, Lunch, (903)
National Honor Society Mrs. Orr,Mrs. Calvillo Last Wed. of each month, lunch (PAC)
Red Cross Club Mrs. Castro Every other Wed., 12:10pm (1005)
Red Zone Mrs. Chapman Lunch
Society of Women Engineering (SWE) Mr. Smith After school (1701)
Spanish Honors Society Sra. Forter Friday every month, (1301)
The Book was Better Ms. Vargas 2nd Tuesday every month,
Thriftcycle Mrs. Hampton Monday's, twice a month, 12:00 (1605)
Virtual Business Ms. Elliot Virtual Business Room (1404)
Wargaming Club Mrs. Danley Friday, 3:40pm (603)
We the People Mr. Biron 7th Period (805)
Y.W.E.L Mrs. Latunde + Mr. Daniels Every other Friday, Lunch, (704)