

Kathlene Buford
Dean of Student  Behavior and Supports

Email Mrs. Buford


Anthony Ransick

Dean of Student  Behavior and Supports

Email Mr. Ransick


Crystal Franco

Dean’s Office Secretary

Email Ms. Franco


Closed Campus:  CHS is a closed campus.  Parents may sign out their students at the attendance office.

Deliveries:  Deliveries are not accepted for students.  Food deliveries will be confiscated and will not be released to the student.  Parents may deliver lunch to their students and meet them in the front lobby.

Dress Code:

At Centennial High School, students have the right to make individual choices from a wide range of clothing and grooming styles. The Centennial staff acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual, but also believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment


Minimum Requirements:

1) Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately 3 to 4 inches in length on the upper thighs. Tops must have shoulder straps. Rips or tears in clothing should be lower than 3 to 4 inches in length.

  1. No exposed midriffs (when standing still or sitting).
  2. No deep-cut armpit holes.
  3. No exposed undergarments.

2) Shoes must be always worn and should be safe for the school environment.

3) See-through or mesh garments must be worn with appropriate coverage underneath that meets the minimum requirements of the dress code.


Additional Requirements:

1) Clothing may not depict, imply, nor advocate illegal, violent, or lewd conduct, weapons, or the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, or other controlled substances.

2) Clothing may not depict nor imply pornography, nudity, or sexual acts.

3) Clothing may not display nor imply vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene language or images.

4) Clothing may not state, imply, nor depict hate speech/imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or any other protected classification.

5) Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn. (spikes on clothing, accessories, or shoes for example.)

6) Apparel, jewelry, accessories, tattoos, or manner of grooming that by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute, denotes membership in a gang that advocates illegal or disruptive behavior is prohibitive.


KHSD CODE OF CONDUCT AND STUDENT DISCIPLINE Prohibited items include disruptive clothing, inappropriate slogans or illustrations, revealing attire, dangerous or unsafe apparel, and gang-related articles. Any attire or adornment which creates a safety hazard for the wearer or others is prohibited. Included within these criteria is the expectation that all students will wear shoes. Specific learning activities in shops, labs, on-the-job training in business/industry, or

co-curricular activities may have additional clothing and appearance regulations. Please refer to the KHSD Parent-Student Handbook for more information.



Students in violation of this policy will be sent to the Dean’s office and are subject to receive one or more of the following consequences:

1) Trade in the inappropriate article of clothing for an appropriate garment. The student may retrieve the article in question from the Dean’s office at the end of the day.

  • The Dean’s office has clean and appropriate t-shirts available as well as PE shorts.

2) Call home and have appropriate clothing brought to school and the garment in question taken home.

  • The student will remain in the Dean’s office until an appropriate garment has arrived.

3) Request for both the student and parent to sign the dress code policy.

4) Students who have repeated dress code violations are subject to further means of correction and disciplinary measures.



Revised 06/10/2024


KHSD Student Cell Phone Policy:  Students may use mobile communication devices on campus during non-instructional time as long as the device is utilized in accordance with the law and any District or school rules.  However, mobile communication devices shall be turned off during instructional time unless there is an emergency/threat of danger, the student is given permission from a teacher or administrator,  the student has a doctor's note determining the possession/use of the phone is necessary for the student’s health and well-being, or when the phone is required by the student’s individualized education plan.

Dance Policy: CHS has a dance policy for the Formal & Prom. Students & parents must read and sign the form before tickets are issued. The dance rules and guest pass can be picked up at the Activities Office.

Electronic Devices (other than cell phones): All electronic devices (MP3’s, IPod’s, cameras or otherwise) are prohibited. Failure to comply with the policy will result in item confiscation for parent pick-up. Centennial is not responsible for items left over 10 days.

Fighting: Students that fight within school jurisdiction can be suspended, arrested & booked into Juvenile Hall.

Hall Passes: While class is in session, students are not allowed outside of class unless they have a pass from their teacher.  Students without a pass will be subject to disciplinary action.

ID Cards: Students must have their ID cards with them at all times when at school or attending a school event.  This includes traveling to any school event.  If you lose your ID card, please go to the Library to obtain a new one.  To replace a lost ID card costs $3.00.

Parking: Students are to park in the West parking lot. Students that park in designated staff parking will receive a notice and warning. Repeated violations could result in a parking citation.

Public Display of Affection (PDA): Public displays of affection are not allowed on campus.  Please remember that as a student, you attend CHS to earn a diploma.  If students are engaged in PDA they will be asked to stop and if they repeat the behavior they could receive lunch trash pick-up and/or suspension from school.

Personal Property: Loss or theft of private property from backpacks, lockers or otherwise is the sole responsibility of the student.

Profanity and/or Racial Epithets: Use of profanity or racial epithets at CHS is strictly forbidden.  Please remember that to earn a diploma you must use academic language at all times.  Students that use profanity will be subject to discipline at the discretion of the Dean.

Skateboards, Bicycles, Scooters & Heelies: For safety reasons, no skateboards, bicycles, scooters or shoes with heel wheels are allowed to be ridden on campus at anytime.

Suspensions: Students can be suspended for violations listed in the Education Code Sections 48900 & 48915. The length of the suspension can be from 1 day to 5 days in length with variations allowed by law.

Tardy Sweeps: Tardy sweeps are conducted each period every day.  If you are outside of class without a pass after the tardy bell has rung, you are subject to a detention and assignment to lunch trash pick-up.  

Tobacco: The law prohibits the use of tobacco products by students, staff, parents or visitors on school property at all times. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

Truants: If a student reaches any step of the six step truancy policy then the student could lose school activity privileges. This includes (but not limited to) sports matches, plays, concerts, senior activities and graduation ceremony.

Attendance/Step Policy: California state law requires that each person between 6 and 18 years attend public full-time or continuation school for the full school day.  If your student is ill, please clear the absence within 24 hours. The 24 hour answering service is 661-588-1310.  During school hours, you may call the Attendance Office directly at 661-588-1442 or 661-588-1443.  You may also email attendance at [email protected].

We encourage all our students to do the following to be successful:

  • Attend school every day, for the full school day.
  • Be on time to class.  Do not arrive tardy.
  • Actively participate in class.  Do your work and do your best.
  • Complete all homework.
  • Follow the school’s discipline and attendance policies and procedures.
  • Be a leader and do what’s right.
  • Take charge of your own education.


What can parents do to help their student succeed in school?

  • Stay in touch with your student and know what is going on.
  • Provide a quiet place for him/her to study and encourage a regular, healthy routine.
  • Stay in touch with your student’s school.  We welcome your visit.
  • Monitor your student’s attendance.
  • Seek help from the school when you need it.  Our staff is eager to help you and see your student succeed.

Who is a truant?

A truant is a student who is absent from school 3 times in a school year without having a good reason (an excused absence) or permission from home or school.  (Education code 48260)

Who is considered a habitual truant?

An habitual truant is a student who is absent from school 6 times in a school year without having a good reason or permission from home or school.  (Education code 48260, 48261, and 48262)

How can I clear an absence for my student?

If a student is ill or has an excused or warranted reason for his/her absence, a parent may call the school within 72 hours (3 school days) to clear the absence.  To clear an absence, you can call the Centennial Attendance Office at 661-588-1442 or 661-588-1443.  You can leave a message on our 24-hour answering service at 661-588-1310.  You can also call the school at 661-588-8601 and ask for the attendance office.  Se habla espanol. You may also email attendance at [email protected].

What happens if I don’t clear my student’s absence?

If a parent/guardian fails to clear a student’s absence within the 72-hour period (3 school days), the absence will automatically turn into a cut, or an excused absence.  Three cuts will result in truancy, and the student will automatically be placed on STEP 1 of the KHSD attendance system.

What if I’m having a problem with my student attending school?

Parents are encouraged to seek immediate help from the school if they are having a problem with their student attending school.  We want to help!

What is the STEP Policy?

The following STEPS are a series of progressive measures and interventions set by the KHSD to improve student attendance.  Though each student will be help accountable for his/her actions and each parent help responsible for this/her student’s truancy, our goal is simply to help your student attend school for the purpose of ensuring his/her achievement and success.  We want to see each student graduate and receive a KHSD diploma.
STEP 1: |
Student is contacted and may be counseled.  Parent is notified.

Student is contacted and may be counseled.  Intervention strategies may be implemented.  Parent is notified.

Parent is required to meet with the Dean of Students.  Intervention strategies may be implemented.  Student may be placed on school probation.

Student and parent are required to meet with the School Attendance Review Team (SART).  Community and/or school service may be assigned.

Student and parent are referred to the KHSD Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) and/or student and parent may be issued a citation to appear in court.

Citation of student and/or parent is filed in court.  Prosecution of student and/or parent may follow.

What actions may be taken against the student?

  • An infraction under Welfare and Institutions Code 601 (b) may be filed against the truant student.
  • Penalties against the student may include, but not be limited to, the following:
    • 19 – 40 hours of community or school service.
    • Saturday work or school.
    • $100 fine.
    • Suspension or revocation of driving privileges.


What penalties may be imposed on the parent or guardian?

  • For a misdemeanor, penalties may be imposed of $50 – $500, imprisonment of 5 – 25 days in jail with up to one year of probation, and/or mandatory attendance in parenting classes.
  • Contributing to the delinquency of a minor (under the age of 18 years) is considered a misdemeanor and punishable by law.  In addition to imprisonment in a county jail for up to one year, a parent may be fined up to $2,500 and receive up to 5 years of probation (Penal Code section 272.
  • Welfare and Institutions Code 11253.5 authorized the County CalWORKS office reduce a family welfare grant if it is determined that the child is not “regularly attending school as required.”

For further information, please visit the Dean’s office.


Report a Problem, Threat, or Bullying


Centennial High School believes that all students have a right to a safe and healthy school environment and will not tolerate behavior that infringes on the safety of any student. In an effort to raise awareness on this issue, CHS and the KHSD have provided this portal with helpful information for students, parents, and administrators.


Leave an Anonymous Tip

Use the link above "Report a Safety Concern or Bullying" to report.  They may be made anonymously, but please provide enough detail to address your concern.


Official KHSD Bullying Policy

Complaint Process

The first step in the complaint process for a bullying incident is to contact our Deans of Student Behavior and Supports.  If the complainant student or parent/guardian of the student feels that an appropriate resolution of the investigation or complaint has not been reached, the student or parent/guardian of the student should contact the Principal Mr. Ryan Coleman or the KHSD Office of Student Behavior and Supports.  If this fails to bring about a resolution, the complainant may complete a written complaint form detailing the incident and what needs to be done to bring a resolution to the concern.  This will be submitted to the School Community Liaison Officer who will direct it to the appropriate Uniform Complaint Officer for follow-up investigation under the Uniform Complaint Procedures (BP/AR 1312.3).

If someone’s life is in danger, CALL 911!

Below you will find information from about the types of bullying, how it effects you and our community, and helpful resources for learning more about how we can maintain a safe and healthy school environment together.

What is bullying?

Cyber Bullying

Who is at risk?

Considerations for Specific Groups

Prevent Bullying

Respond to Bullying



District Office
5801 Sundale Ave
Bakersfield, CA 93309

(661) 827-3302 – Phone
(661) 827-3311 – Fax