Parents and Students,
Welcome to Centennial High School! I am Ryan Coleman, and I am proud to serve as the Principal of Centennial High School. On behalf of the Centennial staff, we welcome you to the start of the 2024-25 school year. Centennial has a storied tradition of academic and athletic excellence, and we look forward to your student’s contributions to the history and legacy of our school.
I encourage you and your students to participate in the numerous organizations that support the Centennial community. Centennial has outstanding academic and athletic teams that compete at the local, state, national and world level. Those teams are supported by our wonderful parents and community partners that make up our various booster clubs. The Centennial High Association of Parents and Staff (CHAPS) supports our academic teams, while the Red Zone Booster Club assists our athletic programs. Our band and color guard are supported by TALONS, who work tirelessly to support our students to travel and participate in competitions to display their talent and skill. We have wonderful students, supported by great parents and dedicated staff members and we hope you and your student choose to be a part of one of our outstanding programs.
You can stay connected and informed about Centennial by checking our website (, instagram page (centennial_hs) and our twitter page (@CentennialHawks). Our Parent and Family Center also serves as an opportunity for you to be actively involved and informed about all-things Centennial. In addition, we will send out reminders and updates throughout the year through our messaging system. It is important that you keep us updated on any changes to your contact information, as we often need to send out notifications and alerts to keep you informed.
As a Centennial community, we encourage one another to be Honest, Ambitious, Well-Rounded, Kind, and Spirited (HAWKS). These are the qualities that make us HAWKS, and are demonstrated by our students and staff. I look forward to meeting our Centennial students and families, and welcoming all of you on the first day of school on Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
Ryan Coleman, Principal